File and Folder Permissions 



File and folder permissions. One of the most common forms of logical security that you will find on a computer system and on an organizational network. This applies irrespective of the operating system used on although father and falta permissions are usually talked about in the context of Microsoft Windows. They are equally relevant to other operating systems such as Linux with Linux. This is normally in the context of websites rather than a server. The internal users will have access to storing Day-To-Day information for Windows operating systems. There are two different types of permissions that are available to use. These are share permissions and NTFS permissions. NTFS permissions are not available on versions of Windows earlier than Windows XP, which may be relevant to some organizations that have legacy systems that can't be upgraded. For whatever reason, share permissions only apply to folders due to the fact that they only apply when resources are being accessed remotely. They are rarely used in practice because NTFS permissions will always apply. In any case, however, it's always important to set share permissions to allow for everything so that they don't interfere with NTFS permissions that are in place on resources. NTFS permissions, as you've probably guessed at this point, or apply to files and folders regardless of how they are accessed. However, these permissions must still be manually configured in most cases and work on a principle of inheritance permission. Inheritance is where you set up security on a folder such as C tests and these permission to then passed onto folders such as C test subfolder to get a clearer picture of how NTFS permissions work. That's an example of this in practice. The view the NTFS permissions for a file or folder. Right. Click on it and then click on properties. When the properties dialog box appears on screen, go to the security tab. As you can see here, there are various different users and groups listed and if we click on a user, you can see at a high level which permissions have been assigned to them. By examining whether the relevant Chatterbox's have been tecs. You'll notice here that as you move up the Chatterbox's, some permissions have all the permissions enclosed within them. For example, when you assign a user modify permissions, it's automatically grants everything below full control. The only difference being that full control permissions allow users to change permissions both for themselves and for other users, which in most cases is something that should be reserved for only eight technicians. Now that we've gone over file and folder permissions, let's move on to the next part of the course. Activity walks on Analects.

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