Introduction To Fuzzing
Hello, everyone. So in this Blog, we are going to discuss about fuzzing, fuzzing is considered to be much more efficient for testing out a large number of bugs or vulnerabilities within a short time frame on many Web applications. In fact, many more bugs are discovered through fuzzing through the manual way. And there are also new series or zero rates which are found with the help of fuzzing.
What Is Fuzzing
So what actually or exactly fuzzing is fuzzing is a way of finding bugs using automation. So we have different tools through which we are going to find a lot of vulnerabilities by giving a particular inflection point and wordlist to the web application, which is going to force at a different different injection point and try to inject some of the garbage data into the Web application and see into the runtime how the Web application reacts to it.
So it basically involves providing a wide range of invalid and an unexpected data into an application. And then we are going to monitor the Web application for the exceptions or whatever the response the Web application is going to give us. The invalid data used to first and application could be crafted for a special purpose or it can be randomly generated data.So our goal is to induce the unexpected behavior into the web application. And we're going to see, let's say, of the web application crashes or there is sometime some type of a memory leak into the Web application or we are going to see if that particular thing leads to an exploitable bug.
Why Fuzzing
So fuzzing is important in all of them for testing. Bug Bounty's reteaming and open source intelligence. With the help of our fuzzing, we are going to optimize our testing for different types of Web application, and we are going to come across many of Web related vulnerabilities, which will include induction issues, exercise openly, direct cause, SQL injection, etc..
Why Fuzzing Is Important
first point to increase the scope of the application, because many times so many security researchers miss out testing for many Web application hidden directories. For example, let's say there is an application called as example, dot com. So there would be a directory called , slash admin or slash users or slash production. So many researchers sometimes do not come to those particular directories only, and they miss out something as sensitive which can be hidden over there. So fuzzing increases the scope for us. With the help of fuzzing. We can also get cve's because we will know in the runtime how the application is behaving and if the application breaks. Are there any memory leakage or any sensitive disclosure of the particular application, then we may uncover a bug which is hidden into the application.
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